28 year old female carer
Currently Studying
Residency Status
Temporary resident
Police Check
Looking for: Part-time, Casual Babysitting
Hi! I'm Bea, and I have a great passion for caring for children and maintaining a clean and tidy environment. With experience in childcare, I have learned to create a safe and fun space where children can play, learn and grow.
I am a caring, patient and responsible person. I love interacting with children, planning creative and educational activities that encourage their development. In addition, I understand the importance of keeping a clean and organised home, so I also take care of cleaning chores with dedication and attention to detail.
My focus is to ensure that both the children and the home are in a healthy and welcoming environment. I like to establish routines that include both playtime and cleaning, teaching children the importance of keeping their space tidy in a fun way.
I am committed to providing quality care and contributing to a harmonious home.
Before School
After School
From 6pm
0-12 months
1-2 years
2-3 years
3-5 years
5+ years
Non smoker
Driver's License
Has Car
COVID Vaccinated
Housework Cleaning
First Aid
Parent References
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