21 year old female carer
Currently Studying
Residency Status
Temporary resident
Police Check
Looking for: Full-time
My name is Omalmi, and I am a 21-year-old international student from Sri Lanka. Growing up with two sisters and spending a lot of time with my cousin sisters, I developed a natural love and care for babies. I have always enjoyed babysitting my cousins and taking care of younger children. My ability to connect with babies quickly is one of my strengths—I find it easy to make them feel comfortable and loved. I believe that creating a nurturing and fun environment is important for their development. My experiences have taught me patience, responsibility, and how to engage with children in ways that make them feel safe and cared for. I am passionate about taking care of babies and truly enjoy spending time with them.
Before School
After School
From 6pm
0-12 months
1-2 years
2-3 years
3-5 years
5+ years
Non smoker
Driver's License
Has Car
COVID Vaccinated
Housework Cleaning
First Aid
Parent References
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